Musical initiation on Wednesday afternoons

We are delighted to announce the introduction of ‘Musical Wednesday afternoons’ in partnership with the Onex Harp School (see attached flyer).

After a long search for an enriching musical activity for Wednesdays after the English workshops, we are now pleased to offer your children a unique experience to discover the wonders of musical language, the beauty of sound, and the power of artistic expression.

Throughout the year, your children will be introduced to a variety of string, wind and percussion instruments. The programme also includes singing, body movement and musical storytelling.

The sessions will be led by Sylvie Laville, a qualified art therapist, former nurse, trained pianist and introductory harp teacher. She is also a member of the management of the Association École de Harpe Onex-Genève.

The Association École de Harpe Onex-Genève is recognised as being of public benefit and is committed to promoting a positive, differentiated approach to musical learning. It creates musical adventures that bring out the best in every child.

Timetable and groups:
– 4-5 years: 15:20 to 16:00 (2 to 6 participants)
– 6-7 years: 14:20 to 15:00 (2 to 6 participants)

Annual fees :
CHF 960 + CHF 120 annual administration fee

To register your child, please visit the following page:

Teacher :
Sylvie Laville, 079 286 53 63,

Director :
Elise Estavoyer, 078 209 59 89,

We hope that these workshops will spark great interest among you and that your children will find them a source of musical fulfillment.